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To: Minister for Education and State Examinations Commission

Recognise Leaving Cert subjects studied outside the school system

Time sensitive and time has past now.

In light of the cancelation of Leaving Certificate 2020, we request the provision of a system to recognise and assign grades for Leaving Certificate subjects studied for outside of the standard school system.

Why is this important?

Many students opt to register for and sit Leaving Certificate subjects which are either not offered in their schools curriculum, or were studied for due to other reasons such as timetable clashes or a home-schooled approach.

Failure to recognise and confer appropriate grades for subjects students are registered to sit for their Leaving Certificate could disenfranchise Leaving Certificate students 2020 from access to third level places in 2020.

For this reason we urge the Minister for Education and State Examinations Commission to ensure an equitable approach in the recognition of these subject choices.



2020-05-11 14:28:58 +0100

There has been movement on this since the original announcement, and the original 12 point information doc has grown to 31 points over the weekend. Point 18 (point 16 on Saturday) appears to cater for this scenario but it is still very vague how this will work. More detail is required.

I contacted all 5 Galway TDs for support with this matter. Two have been helpful: Noel Grealish and Hildegarde Naughton. They both have parliamentary questions submitted on our behalf in the Dáil this week.

Warm regards, Kirsty

2020-05-08 19:14:01 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-05-08 17:22:00 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-05-08 16:18:52 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-05-08 16:01:20 +0100

10 signatures reached