To: An Taoiseach

Prevent Old age Pension entitlement age from increasing

Block the Government from increasing the Old age pension entitlement age beyond the current age 66.

Why is this important?

Having reached 62 ( any being a cancer survivor this last 5 years) With a Husband who is 65 still working but with a thyroid condition, I am very conscious about how different our bodies and minds are coming into later life and how difficult it is for may people to be able to work effectively as age progresses. My personal view is that the original age of 65 was introduced for this reason and should not have been changed. We have paid our taxes and social welfare payments for the past 45-50 years in good faith that when our time came we could reap our reward (despite it being at a very basic level) The government knew we were coming and should have provided for us as we have carried this country through these years. The argument that people are living longer simply sucks. Yes some do (thanks to improved medical services etc. ) I agree, but many do not and we should not be forced to continue to drag our weary bodies around the workplace for a further 5 years until we are sure almost dead. Can the government not see that instead of having the older population on OAP, they are simply going to have to sustain them on medical /disability basis.
Lets face it we have by the age of 65/66 paid our dues and should be entitled to enjoy what remains of our lives in freedom and peace.

Perhaps some of us do live longer, but how many of these end up in Nursing Homes where they have to hand over their homes via Fair deal schemes plus their old age pension to cover the cost of their care. (Incidentally this system only allows them keep c.€40 per week for personal items including Prescription costs so families usually have to supplement this.)

In my view the younger generation should be giving this matter greater consideration and support than they are,They should begin to realise that their time will come sooner than they expect. Unfortunately, though many of the young believe themselves infallible and do not realise how fast old age comes upon us.
