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To: Welsh Environment Minister Lesley Griffiths

No Radioactive Dump in Welsh Coastal Waters

Don't dump over 300,000 tonnes of radioactive mud into Welsh coastal waters

Why is this important?

Independent experts have warned this reckless dumping of radioactive mud into coastal waters could result in contamination spreading via the sea. [1] Heavily contaminated waste from Sellafield has washed up on seashores in dangerous concentrations - if this dumping isn't stopped, the same could happen again.

Big business is trying to push this through - without a full environmental impact study, we have no assurance this toxic waste won't wind up on Irish shores.




2017-12-08 08:59:04 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-12-06 14:19:27 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-12-05 14:21:48 +0000

10 signatures reached