To: The Irish Government and Irish Citizens affected

Meaningful reparations from Catholic Church for systemic abuses

The Irish Government has had decades to bring the Catholic Church and other religious organisations in Ireland to meaningful account for the thousands of people affected by decades of systemic abuses towards the most vulnerable Irish citizens. They are wealthy organisations who must pay meaningful monetary compensation to the citizens affected and repay to the Rest of the Irish citizens who have paid through their taxes for reparations made by the Irish Government. In the midst of a housing and homelessness crisis, and migration crisis caused by wars, church property should be seized without delay and refitted to support those that need housing and shelter, the cost of this should be borne by the church. This should be done without further delay. The evidence of abuses and coverups further traumatising people has been available for decades.

Why is this important?

The time for being fearful of the Religious bodies is over. They were complicit in Abuse and crimes, and since they are unwilling to act in a Christian manner and apologise and make reparations, they must be forced to do so.