To: Minister for Justice

Make Misogyny a Hate Crime

To support the call to include misogyny in our hate crime legislation to help identify and hold to account those who target, abuse and harass women simply for who they are - it is time to stop expecting women to find ways to tackle male violence, and start asking how we can stop it from happening in the first place.

Why is this important?

Since 1996 244 women have been murdered only 13% of them were murdered by a person they didn't know the rest were murdered by someone they knew a partner a husband a lover.
33,000 unanswered domestic assault calls by the Garda last year alone demonstrate the level of violence towards women.
It has become ingrained in our culture to accept poor behaviour towards women. 200 euro bail for men who kicked a young woman so badly that she is in danger of losing an eye. This is not enough.
The publicly shaming raping victims for clothing in court or past sexual history and taking letters of recommendation on the behaviour of violent men towards women to count as a reference on their good nature towards men.
This misogynistic culture needs to stop and for those guilty of misogyny to be given a custodial sentece.
We need to end violence against women
