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To: Three Ireland

Improved Internet for Three Ireland Customers in Donegal

We ask that Three Ireland improve the quality of their internet for their customers in Donegal or reduce our rates.

Why is this important?

Donegal is a county which is deprived and often neglected by the Government and by corporations. As customers of Three Ireland we feel we deserve the same service as those in other areas who are charged the same rates for better quality internet.

We ask that Three Ireland improve the quality of their internet for their customers in Donegal. We'd also like Three to make it clear once and for all as to to whether there is upgrade work being done in the county and when do they expect the work to be completed.

Finally we ask for a reduction in the rates until such a time as we in Donegal receive the same standard of service as those in areas with high quality internet.

Donegal, Ireland

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2017-08-29 21:02:57 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-08-29 14:41:49 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-08-28 17:35:23 +0100

10 signatures reached