1,000 signatures reached
To: An Roinn Oideachais Department of Education
Cabhraigh linn ! Help us find a permanent site for our Gaelscoil in Ballincollig!

We are appealing to the Department of Education to find and acquire a permanent and suitable site for our Gaelscoil that will meet the needs of our children and the growing population in Ballincollig.
Impímid ar An Roinn Oideachais láithreán buan a aimsiú do Ghaelscoilan Chaisleáin a fhreastalódh ar éileamh agus ar dhaonra Bhaile an Chollaigh.
Impímid ar An Roinn Oideachais láithreán buan a aimsiú do Ghaelscoilan Chaisleáin a fhreastalódh ar éileamh agus ar dhaonra Bhaile an Chollaigh.
Why is this important?
Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin, Ballincollig has been waiting for 5 years for a permanent site. We need the help of our community to highlight the urgency around this issue. Our children and the wider community require a permanent site for Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin to meet the needs of the current students and families in the area. We hope you will support us with your signature and sharing of our petition.
Tá Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin ag fanacht le láithreán buan don scoil le cúig bhliain anois.
Tá cabhair an phobail ag teastáil chun ár n-imní faoin moill seo a chur in iúl don Roinn Oideachais. Tá foirgneamh buan tuillte ag ár bpáistí agus a muintir. Táimid ag súil go dtacóidh tú linn agus ár n-achainí.
Aside from the pressing matter of securing sibling places at the school, the protracted wait time in acquiring a site has hampered the ability of the school to serve the wider population in the local community, many of whom are keenly awaiting an opportunity to enroll their children in the school. The present temporary accommodation, rented at a huge cost to the Department of Education and the taxpayer, will not cater for the growing enrolment in the area.
Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin has been on the Department of Education building programme since its establishment in 2017 but no progress has been made in acquiring a site for a permanent building. The school currently has 118 students, it is growing rapidly and increases in physical size each year to cater for the new incoming class.
Bíonn an-éileamh ar áiteanna sa scoil gach bliain. Tá Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin lonnaithe faoi láthair i bhfoirgneamh ar chíos ollmhór don Roinn Oideachais. Cé go bhfuil an scoil ar chlár tógála na Roinne ó 2017 níl láithreán buan ceannaithe go fóill don scoil. Tá 118 dalta ag freastal ar an scoil atá ag dul i méid gach bliain le rang eile.
Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin is a vibrant and developing Multidenominational Gaelscoil with a thriving music and violin programme, a keen focus on sport, a passionate faculty, and a reputation for excellence that has driven huge demand for places from families in the community of Ballincollig since its inception.
Is scoil bheoga, ilchreidmheach í Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin atá ag forbairt. Cuirtear clár ceoil den scoth, ceachtanna veidhlín san áireamh, ar fáil. Leagtar an-bhéim ar chúrsaí spóirt agus is le dúthracht a thugtar faoi gach gné den churaclam. Dá bhrí sin tá éileamh thar na bearta ar áiteanna ó mhuintir na háite.
School Principal, Máire Uí Shé is hopeful that a permanent site will see the long-term vision and potential of the school realised, “to continue to enable the dedicated school community to provide each pupil in our care with an excellent all-Irish primary education which promotes the holistic development of each child and enables him/her to become bilingual and attain high achievement levels in all areas of the curriculum. We are committed to nurturing the school as a caring learning community for children, their parents and staff in a welcoming, happy, safe and stimulating environment. Ní neart go cur le chéile. ”
Is Gaelscoil Ilchreidmheach í Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin. Tá Príomhoide na scoile, Máire Uí Shé an-dóchasach go gcuirfí fís na scoile I gcrích agus láithreán buan a cheannach
" chun bun Oideachas lán-Gaelach den chéad scoth a chur ar fáil do gach dalta chun forbairt iomlán an linbh a chur chun cinn agus le cur ar a c(h)umas bheith dhátheangach agus ardchaighdeán a bhaint amach i ngach achar den churaclam. 'Sé ár n-aidhm an scoil a chothú mar phobal foghlama ina dtugtar aire do na páisrí, dá dtuismitheoirí agus don bhfoireann I dtimpeallacht fháilteach, shona, shábháilte agus spreagúil."
Parents and management are calling on the Department of Education to expedite the acquisition of the site without further delay.
Tá tuismitheoirí agus Bainistíocht na scoile ag impí ar an Roinn Oideachais láithreán buan a cheannach don scoil gan mhoill.
We appreciate the help of the people of Ballincollig in helping us by signing and sharing this petition.
Is mór againn cabhair mhuintir Bhaile an Chollaigh agus an achainí seo a leanas a shíniú agus a roinnt le bhur gcairde.
Please share widely with your circle
Go raibh míle maith agaibh!
Tá Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin ag fanacht le láithreán buan don scoil le cúig bhliain anois.
Tá cabhair an phobail ag teastáil chun ár n-imní faoin moill seo a chur in iúl don Roinn Oideachais. Tá foirgneamh buan tuillte ag ár bpáistí agus a muintir. Táimid ag súil go dtacóidh tú linn agus ár n-achainí.
Aside from the pressing matter of securing sibling places at the school, the protracted wait time in acquiring a site has hampered the ability of the school to serve the wider population in the local community, many of whom are keenly awaiting an opportunity to enroll their children in the school. The present temporary accommodation, rented at a huge cost to the Department of Education and the taxpayer, will not cater for the growing enrolment in the area.
Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin has been on the Department of Education building programme since its establishment in 2017 but no progress has been made in acquiring a site for a permanent building. The school currently has 118 students, it is growing rapidly and increases in physical size each year to cater for the new incoming class.
Bíonn an-éileamh ar áiteanna sa scoil gach bliain. Tá Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin lonnaithe faoi láthair i bhfoirgneamh ar chíos ollmhór don Roinn Oideachais. Cé go bhfuil an scoil ar chlár tógála na Roinne ó 2017 níl láithreán buan ceannaithe go fóill don scoil. Tá 118 dalta ag freastal ar an scoil atá ag dul i méid gach bliain le rang eile.
Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin is a vibrant and developing Multidenominational Gaelscoil with a thriving music and violin programme, a keen focus on sport, a passionate faculty, and a reputation for excellence that has driven huge demand for places from families in the community of Ballincollig since its inception.
Is scoil bheoga, ilchreidmheach í Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin atá ag forbairt. Cuirtear clár ceoil den scoth, ceachtanna veidhlín san áireamh, ar fáil. Leagtar an-bhéim ar chúrsaí spóirt agus is le dúthracht a thugtar faoi gach gné den churaclam. Dá bhrí sin tá éileamh thar na bearta ar áiteanna ó mhuintir na háite.
School Principal, Máire Uí Shé is hopeful that a permanent site will see the long-term vision and potential of the school realised, “to continue to enable the dedicated school community to provide each pupil in our care with an excellent all-Irish primary education which promotes the holistic development of each child and enables him/her to become bilingual and attain high achievement levels in all areas of the curriculum. We are committed to nurturing the school as a caring learning community for children, their parents and staff in a welcoming, happy, safe and stimulating environment. Ní neart go cur le chéile. ”
Is Gaelscoil Ilchreidmheach í Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin. Tá Príomhoide na scoile, Máire Uí Shé an-dóchasach go gcuirfí fís na scoile I gcrích agus láithreán buan a cheannach
" chun bun Oideachas lán-Gaelach den chéad scoth a chur ar fáil do gach dalta chun forbairt iomlán an linbh a chur chun cinn agus le cur ar a c(h)umas bheith dhátheangach agus ardchaighdeán a bhaint amach i ngach achar den churaclam. 'Sé ár n-aidhm an scoil a chothú mar phobal foghlama ina dtugtar aire do na páisrí, dá dtuismitheoirí agus don bhfoireann I dtimpeallacht fháilteach, shona, shábháilte agus spreagúil."
Parents and management are calling on the Department of Education to expedite the acquisition of the site without further delay.
Tá tuismitheoirí agus Bainistíocht na scoile ag impí ar an Roinn Oideachais láithreán buan a cheannach don scoil gan mhoill.
We appreciate the help of the people of Ballincollig in helping us by signing and sharing this petition.
Is mór againn cabhair mhuintir Bhaile an Chollaigh agus an achainí seo a leanas a shíniú agus a roinnt le bhur gcairde.
Please share widely with your circle
Go raibh míle maith agaibh!
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