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To: Northern Ireland

Statement of Solidarity to #BlackLivesMatter

We, the undersigned citizens of the world, in recognition of the movement sparked across the United States by the deaths of George Floyd & Breonna Taylor, stand in active solidarity with Black people in the United States, Black people throughout the diaspora and Indigenous peoples. Over the past two weeks, that spark has fanned the flame of resistance across the globe and has called all of us to work diligently to support the collective liberation of Black people, including Black people in our respective countries who are resisting systemic racism, state & police violence, and economic inequality and violence.

We are committed to Black liberation and justice. No one is free until we are all free.


Why is this important?

Black people around the world have been subject to colonial rule, the atrocities of the transatlantic slave trade, and the effects of white supremacy culture. Capitalism and the immense wealth of the global north was built on stolen labor, ongoing colonisation and violent dispossession at the hand of white supremacy against people of African descent and Indigenous peoples. The condition of Black and Indigenous people and throughout the world today must be placed in its proper historical context.

The recent grassroots uprisings across the globe are powerful and demonstrate how fed up Black communities are with systemic oppression and racism. These protests demand not just an end to Black suffering and death but a commitment to help Black people live and thrive, to shift from a world centered on white supremacy and violence to one grounded in equity and justice.

This moment demands that each of us—especially those of us who are not Black or Indigenous—act with great urgency in defense of Black lives, to support the work of ending police brutality and white supremacy, and to bring forth a world in which Black people are truly free and liberated.

While the Black experience and fight for justice around the world are as varied and diverse as Black people themselves, we stand in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives and call on elected leaders around the globe to end the war against Black people.
Northern Ireland, UK

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2020-06-16 14:38:46 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-06-16 13:36:00 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-06-16 13:19:29 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-06-16 13:13:23 +0100

10 signatures reached