To: The Irish Government

Equity for Trainee Psychologists!

Photo by Julia Taubitz on Unsplash
We want to be heard.

In a time where psychologists are needed more than ever, trainee psychologists find it too difficult to find and fund their trainee programs. When the public, the media, the Dáil are shouting and pleading for more psychologists, why will you not help students on their journey to become professional psychologists? It is close to impossible for a trainee psychologist to fund their way through their doctoral program (if they are lucky enough to find one).

What we want, as Psychology students, graduates and supporters of all aspiring professional psychologists is top be heard. To take into account that the needs of trainee psychologists are not being met.

Why is this important?

Psychology graduates who wish to become professional practicing psychologists are met with a number of barriers. Firstly, there are not enough programs for these students. Secondly, for those who are lucky enough to find a program, it is close to impossible to fund it. Currently, trainee educational and counselling psychologists must self-fund their doctoral program and pay up to €14,000 per year in college tuition fees. Thirdly, when this has been brought to the Government of Ireland it has not been heard and these issues have not been addressed.