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To: County Council

Do not rename Anglesea Street in Cork

Do not allow Anglesea Street in Cork to be renamed.

Why is this important?

A decision has been made to rename Anglesea Street Terence McSwiney Street. This should not be allowed to happen.
My family lived on Anglesea Street for over a century. Are previous dwellers of Anglesea Street, like the Burkes, the Cuthberts, the Murphys, the Heaphys, the Connollys, the Carberys, the Hayes, the Bowes, the O'Neills, the Leahys, to have their history obliterated due to an omission by the Council to mark McSwiney's name in some other way during the past 100 years.
Reserve the name of Terence McSwiney for another street and do not rob our families and neighbours of our past.
Cork, Ireland

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2021-04-15 13:04:04 +0100

10 signatures reached