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To: Cllr Martin Brett, Kilkenny County Council

Cllr Martin Brett must resign as Councillor and L. Ceatharlach over Golfgate Scandal

We, the undersigned, are demanding Martin Brett's resignation from his position as Leas Ceatharlach and Councillor. If he refuses to resign, we demand that the Tanaiste and Taoiseach removes him from his position.

Why is this important?

On 19 August, EU Commissioner Phil Hogan attended an Oireachtas Golf Society dinner along with 81 other people in what was a flagrant breach of Covid-19 public health guidelines.

Even before the government announced new measures curtailing the numbers at social events this week, the maximum number of people allowed at indoor social events was 50.

Brett's decision to ignore public health guidelines is unacceptable. In attending this event, he has displayed utter contempt for ordinary people who have done their utmost to abide by guidelines and stop the spread of Covid-19.

Despite the resignations of Minister Dara Calleary and Senator Jerry Buttimer this week, Brett has merely resigned his membership of Fine Gael and has brazenly refused to step down from his position as Kilkenny Councillor and Leas Cathaoirleach.

Speaking to Kilkenny Now, Brett has said:
" I have no thoughts on my position in the Council that doesn't come into question.

There are a lot of people much higher up the pecking order than me who were there as well as me and none of them is resigning from anything so why should I??"

His arrogance is a slap in the face to health workers at the front lines and to all those who have lost loved ones to this pandemic. His actions have also undermined the public health effort at a crucial time.
Kilkenny, Ireland

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2020-08-24 23:27:44 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-08-24 20:15:26 +0100

10 signatures reached