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To: The Taoiseach. The Minister for Justice.

Call to urgently provide a protection programme for Palestinian Refugees

We call on the Taoiseach and the Minister for Justice to urgently expand the Irish Refugee Protection Programme to provide safe and legal pathways to protection for Palestinian Refugees.

The Irish Government must act now to create safe passage and protection for individuals and families fleeing Israel’s attacks on Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian people are facing an ongoing genocidal assault after decades of brutal occupation by Israel.

Ireland has previously responded to the plight of Syrians and Afghans fleeing persecution, violence and humanitarian crisis by creating distinct programmes to provide sanctuary, including the setting up of resettlement, community sponsorship and humanitarian admission programmes. These programmes provide safe havens and facilitate the integration of refugees by harnessing the networks of support available in local communities.

We call on the Minister to urgently expand and extend the IRPP programme to include allocations for community sponsorship and humanitarian admission programmes for Palestinian refugees. 

Why is this important?

Palestinians are at high risk from ongoing genocidal assault and brutal occupation by Israel

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