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To: The Office of Public Works

Basketball Court in Phoenix Park

Build a basketball court in Phoenix Park. There's no court for basketball fans in this part of the city and Phoenix Park seems to be a perfect location.

Why is this important?

There're already soccer, GAA and running facilities, cycling lanes and children playgrounds in the park, but nothing for growing amount of people interested in basketball. The OPW says they have no plans to install basketball court there, but we want the park to be enjoyable for everyone.

This is not a huge investment and many will benefit, as well as public health.

Dublin, Ireland

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2021-05-19 03:27:25 +0100

Thanks for a continuous signings! Quick update: unfortunately OCW will not install a basketball pitch in Phoenix Park, Memorial Gardens premises or in the nearby areas. Dublin City Council doesn't run OPW, therefore they have no authority here, according to local TDs. It seems we need a proper media coverage or support from one of the local schools if we want more pitches in Dublin. But we are patient and we do not give up, do we? Quitters never win!

2020-08-25 15:15:28 +0100

Over 800 hundred signs makes this campaign suprisingly succesfull. Obviously there's a huge amount of people interested in basketball in Dublin and a big need to create more sports facilities around the city.

The petition was send to the OPW yesterday. Also, I've contacted several local TDs and I've already received only a positive and enthusiastic response from them! I truly believe they will help and make this idea coming true. Stay tunned for more updates!

2020-08-04 22:17:45 +0100

500 signatures reached

2020-07-25 08:59:44 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-07-24 15:23:23 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-07-24 10:24:36 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-07-23 14:33:14 +0100

10 signatures reached