50 signatures reached
To: Minister of arts, heritage and the Gaelteacht. Heather humphreys Minister

Animals from circuses in Ireland have been abandoned, let loose on public roads, and have been rented out for late-night hotel parties.
Why is this important?
We ask you to consider the life of a circus animal: chained, caged, forced to live in cramped and totally unsuitable housing, and hauled from town to town in a “beast wagon”? Regardless of the number of generations that wild animals have been in captivity, captive-born wild animals do not lose the instincts and needs of wild animals. They retain their natural instincts to socialize and to roam freely.
Circuses deny captive-born wild animals of their need to exhibit their natural behaviors.Our concern is the disparity between the conditions imposed on wild animals by circus life and the environment that these animals need for their emotional and physical well-being. Life in the wild cannot be replicated on the back of transportation trucks or at circus sites around the country.
Circuses deny captive-born wild animals of their need to exhibit their natural behaviors.Our concern is the disparity between the conditions imposed on wild animals by circus life and the environment that these animals need for their emotional and physical well-being. Life in the wild cannot be replicated on the back of transportation trucks or at circus sites around the country.