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To: Great National Hotel Group

A Petition to Save Our Course: Ballykisteen Golf Club tragically being converted to farmland:

We won!

The members of Ballykisteen Golf Club and the local community involved are appealing to the Great National Hotel Group to work with us on finding a solution that preserves this vital amenity in the local community.

Why is this important?

The loss of Ballykisteen Golf Course impacts the lives of the 400+ members and the 20 employees that are directly and indirectly employed by the club. It removes a vital facility that brings together families from across the county, breaking apart a local community and isolating those that rely on the club for social interactions.

In 2017, the Great National Hotel Group received funding support from Enterprise Ireland, a government-funded investment body focused on the creation of local jobs and economic growth. Despite this state-sponsored funding, the hotel group is planning on selling the course as farmland this week, impacting 20+ jobs in the locality and devastating the local economy.

We have made numerous efforts to find alternative buyers that are interested in keeping the course open. Unfortunately, hotel management has failed to prioritise buyers interested in keeping the golf course open. Despite requests for both information and cooperation, we have had minimal communication from the hotel.

Our understanding is that a contract for the sale of the land is to be signed and concluded this week with the golf course being sold as farmland. We are pleading with the hotel to do all in their power to preserve this facility for the locality.

Let's do all that we can to fight for this precious amenity at the heart of our small, but mighty community.
Munster, Ireland

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2020-12-18 16:30:33 +0000

Petition is successful with 1,323 signatures

2020-12-03 17:42:48 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2020-12-01 20:44:46 +0000

500 signatures reached

2020-12-01 12:11:22 +0000

100 signatures reached

2020-12-01 10:46:46 +0000

50 signatures reached

2020-12-01 10:20:15 +0000

25 signatures reached

2020-12-01 09:59:49 +0000

10 signatures reached