Stop Displaying Alcohol Close To Checkouts.

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Campaigns (2)

  • Cork
    Stop Displaying Alcohol Close To Checkouts In Our Local Store: Centra, Cork
    Alcohol marketers direct advertising at them with the aim of gaining lifelong loyal customers. These companies are well known as the best and most effective advertisers in the world. Why is it that children cannot enter dedicated off-licenses but convenience stores like these are free to place their alcohol sections so that children cannot avoid them? Centra has over 450 branches in Ireland and have recently become part of the huge Musgrave group. If they find this layout to be profitable they may well decide to implement it in all their stores.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Maisey
  • Bray
    Keep Our Children Safe. Stop Displaying Alcohol Close To Checkouts
    I object to having my children unavoidably exposed to alcohol and alcohol related advertising in convenience stores. Alcohol is well know to have many negative affects on the health and judgement of teenagers, and most problem drinkers start drinking young. Alcohol marketers direct advertising at them with the aim of gaining lifelong loyal customers. These companies are well know as the best and most effective advertisers in the world. Why is it that children cannot enter dedicated off-licenses but convenience stores like these are free to place their alcohol sections so that children cannot avoid them?
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Eimáer Mitchell