To: Dunnes Tesco Supervalu Lidl Aldi

Urge Supermarkets to ditch single use plastics

Ban the selling of single use plastics in Supermarkets 

Why is this important?

Single use plastics have become a daily occurrence for the vast majority of us.
They are commonly used for Supermarket meal deals i.e. wraps and sandwiches. Due to the ever increasing demand for these convenience foods, it is estimated that about 23 million tons of plastic packaging are produced every year in Europe. Staggeringly around 40% of this plastic ends up in landfills with 32% making it's way into our lands and oceans.  
It is expected that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than there is fish.
This is not the legacy we want to leave for our children and future generations is it? 
It's fair to say we all wish we could make better choices when it comes to our environmental impact in the world. The world we call home.
Ultimately though, our hands our tied by what choices are available to us in our local Supermarket. 
For many of us prepacked wraps and sandwiches are a necessity during the daily lunch time rush. The opportunity to prepare lunch the night before is not always an available option. Therefore our hands are tied by what is in front of us when we enter our local shop around the corner. 
If our hands are tied, who has the power to untie them?
That is the purpose of this petition, to send a direct message to the people that do have the power to lead a seismic change in the war against single use plastics. We implore Supermarkets nationwide to adopt environmentally friendly biodegradable food packaging throughout their stores. 
In doing so they will be taking one giant leap towards the protection of our environment and the safeguarding of it's future. 

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