To: Louth County Council

Support Louth County Council Motion For Palestine

A chara,

In solidarity with the Palestinian people and in protest against the current genocide, I’m calling on you and others councillors to support the following motion put forward by Councillor Emma Cutlip that states: “This council declares its solidarity with the Palestinian people and all protected people who are subject to war, armed conflict, or occupation and who require reliance on the protections afforded to civilians under the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, 1949 (the fourth Geneva Convention).

This council recognizes that through its day-to-day operation it invests and purchases goods and services with public monies in a wide range of ways.

Therefore, this council shall divest itself of all investments, holdings, procurement, or purchasing of goods or services which have originated in whole or in part from occupying powers as defined by the fourth Geneva Convention.”

My reason for writing this is I am saddened and ashamed by our current governments lack of support for South Africa’s case at the ICJ and their inability to call out Israel’s despicable genocidal policies. As Israel continues to expand their illegal settlements in the Occupied West Bank along with the forced evictions and displacement of Palestinians across Palestine, I am urging you to take a stand and declare your solidarity with the Palestinian people by supporting this motion.

Go raibh míle maith agat,
(Your Name)

Why is this important?

Support Palestine
Louth, Co. Louth, Ireland

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