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To: Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

Save Dylan from Eviction

Stop the unfair eviction of Dylan Mooney from his recently deceased mother's home.

Why is this important?

Dylan Mooney has lived in Sallynoggin for 27 years. He has strong links with the local area and community and two children in local schools. His neighbours want him to continue living in the community.

A few years ago, Dylan moved out of the council house where he had lived with his mother, Margret Mooney, his whole life and was taken off the rent book. A year later he moved back in and applied to be re-registered as a resident. The application was submitted although due to the impact of Covid there was a delay getting hold of one official document. The council was notified of this delay (although they are now refusing to accept this).

Sadly during this time Margaret passed away. At that point the council decided he could not be added to the rent book because his family member was no longer living there and that his application was ineligible. This would not have been an issue if they had shown any form of decency or consideration for the extremely difficult circumstances Dylan was facing.

The council is now taking legal action to try to get Dylan evicted. If this is allowed to happen it will have a massive negative impact on Dylan and his children. He will be forced to register as homeless and apply to the council for support finding alternative housing. This is also an enormous waste of money, both the cost of the council taking legal action and because Dylan will most likely have to register for the Housing Assistance Payment if he is evicted. All this emotional hardship and these extra financial costs could all be saved if Dylan is allowed to remain in his home.

The council should be helping to solve homelessness, not causing it!
This eviction cannot be allowed to happen. Dylan is asking for a strong show of community support in order to pressure the council to allow him to remain in his home. Please sign and share this petition to show your support.
Glenageary, Sallynoggin, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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2022-02-02 20:20:08 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached