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To: Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, UK Government

Make voting easier in Northern Ireland

One person locked out is one too many, We need to scrap the barriers to voting in Northern Ireland, including the Digital Registration Number requirement. It's time to make sure every eligible voter gets a voice.

Why is this important?

Voting in Northern Ireland is much harder than in Great Britain. 

Voters in Northern Ireland must provide a Digital Registration Number (DRN) when they register online to vote by post or by proxy. But the DRN is not a requirement in any other part of the UK 

Over 5,000 absentee vote applications were rejected in NI before the 2023 council elections due to issues with the Digital Registration Number (DRN). 

This is up from the 3636 people whose votes were rejected in the 2022 Assembly election for the same reason.

Every vote matters. In Northern Ireland election results can depend on a very small number of votes - like in Fermanagh South Tyrone when the seat was won in 2019 by 57 votes.

The Digital Registration Number must be scrapped, to make sure everyone get to exercise their right to vote.

Northern Ireland, UK

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