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To: Michelle O'Neill and Emma Little-Pengelly

First & Deputy First Minister: Restore funding for Integrated Schools

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

The NI Executive and UK Government have broken their promise on Integrated Education.

In 2015, as part of the Fresh Start Agreement, £150 million was allocated for new buildings in Integrated schools. Now, as part of a funding deal between the UK Government and the new NI Executive, this money has been cut.

Nearly a decade on, 10 Integrated schools who desperately need new buildings have been told they are not getting them, despite plans for some of them now well underway.

Why is this important?

Generations of students who went to Integrated schools grew up getting their education in drafty, leaky portakabins. This must end.

First & Deputy First Minister - Restore the funding. You made a promise. Keep it.



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