To: South Dublin County Council

compulsory purchase derelict houses

There are 166,000 empty properties and over 14,000 people, including 4,000 children in homeless accommodation. It doesn’t make sense. We are calling on local councils to use their powers to compulsorily purchase derelict and vacant homes for those who need them.

In January People Before Profit Cllr Madeleine Johansson proposed a motion calling on the council to compulsorily purchase all properties on the Derelict Sites Register. These are houses that have been left empty for years.

Unfortunately, the motion was voted down by three votes. Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Greens, and Labour all voted against the motion. However, thanks to continued pressure the council have agreed to compulsory purchase two properties in Palmerstown which had been derelict for over a decade.

People Before Profit will propose this motion again in September, please sign the petition and show your support.

Why is this important?

There are now over 14,000 people in emergency accommodation, over 4,000 are children. The real homeless figures are much higher. In 2023 after the government lifted the eviction ban 212 households in the South Dublin County Council area were evicted into homelessness. 

No one should be evicted into homelessness, especially when 48,000 properties in this country have been empty for six years or more.

There should be no empty houses in the middle of a housing crisis.  People's needs should be put before the profits of landlords and vulture funds.

South Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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