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To: Tánaiste (Micheál Martin), Simon Harris (Minister for Justice), Ambassador of Pakistan to Ireland, Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC)

Ban spies from leaking data of Irish Pakistani community & promoting human rights violations

1) We would like the human rights and law enforcement agencies in Ireland to hold these undercover agents accountable for their actions.
2) We would like the Ambassador of Pakistan to Ireland ( Aisha Farooqui) to pass a formal statement on this.

Why is this important?

The Pakistani community in Ireland are 1000s in number. They have been a part of society for many years and contribute widely to Irish society. They also have a deep rooted connection with their families overseas.
Currently, Pakistanis are facing some of the worst human rights violations and political victimisation. Pakistanis around the world are exercising their right to freedom of speech to speak out against such human rights violations.
Unfortunately, these Pakistanis who are using their right to freedom of expression against human rights violations back home, have been receiving threats and harassment openly from undercover agents living in Ireland.
These agents have openly claimed on social media they have spied on them and leaked their data to foreign agencies which has resulted in raids/serious harassment of their families (women and children) overseas.
We have already received complaints from healthcare workers whose families have been harassed and threatened back home.
We strongly condemn such unlawful activities by these agents in Ireland and urge immediate action from Irish human rights and law enforcement agents against them.
These agents also claim they are working in collaboration with the Pakistani Embassy in Ireland to breach personal data (GDPR) and to promote personal/political victimisation. We strongly urge the Pakistani Ambassador to Ireland to take notice of this and pass an official statement on this.

Please sign and share to report such criminal activities in Ireland and to hold these agents accountable for their actions

P.S. We have evidence of these agents that we can provide to the relevant authorities

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2023-06-01 09:17:45 +0100

50 signatures reached

2023-05-31 22:23:50 +0100

25 signatures reached

2023-05-31 14:23:22 +0100

10 signatures reached