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To: Simon Harris, The Minister for Health

Ban the use of IQ testing to the mentally unwell and children

I want them to stop giving mentally unwell patients IQ tests, psychologists do not let their victims know they have been labelled low IQ. It destroys lives and they have untrue information on their medical records. They also destroy children lives who do not score well. They are puzzle questions, it does not measure intelligence. That tests legacy is sexual sterilization and eugenics. The believe its inherited and can't be changed. When you score at a certain range your prone to violence and the list goes on.

Why is this important?

It wrecks lives, you just cannot give IQ tests to mentally unwell patients. The best analogy is telling someone to run a race with a broken ankle. Please help stop this abuse.

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2018-05-05 23:58:34 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-04-30 05:09:52 +0100

10 signatures reached