Stop Spraying Glyphosate/Roundup

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of 5,000 signatures
across 13 local campaigns

Campaigns (13)

  • Borris
    Stop Roundup being used in Borris
    Because it is poison and carcinogenic
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fearghus Thesoundfarmer
  • Ban the use of Glyphosate by Leitrim County Council
    These chemical based weedkillers are highly carcinogenic and linked to a variety of potentially fatal diseases. Monsanto's Roundup weedkiller, Pathclear, Gallup, Pistol, Weedol and Mossgo are to name but a few of the weedkillers currently on the market that contain the cancer causing chemical glyphosate which are lethal to all living organisms. Ireland has the second highest level of glyphosate in our surface water in the EU and the third highest death rate of cancer in Europe. To ensure a safer, cleaner living environment for our current and future generations we want a complete ban of glyphosate weedkiller. We are extremely concerned that our Agricultural sector/farmers are bombarded with misinformation and pressure from government bodies that are directly lobbied by toxic chemical companies.
    621 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Cara Crews
  • Kilkenny
    Ban Roundup Use By Kilkenny County Council
    Glyphosate the main ingredient in Roundup is poisonous to humans, wildlife and the environment. According to the WHO it is 'probably carcinogenic'. It is being sprayed on roadsides, paths, in housing estates close to where people live. Ireland has the second highest levels of glyphosate in surface water in the EU. Page 83
    469 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Neil Maclean