• Support A Safe Injection Centre in Cork City
    This Medically Supervised Injection Facility (MSIF) has the potential to save lives from overdose and connect vulnerable and marginalised people to vital treatment and social services. Multiple studies across the world have demonstrated the life-saving benefits of MSIFs. Moreover, through connecting at-risk people to social services and reducing drug litter, these facilities benefit the whole community. Establishing safe injection centres are also a more efficient use of public money, given the high treatment cost of disease linked to unsafe needle-sharing. A green light for this facility in Cork would be a vital step towards a more health-led approach to addiction, in recognition of the value of the lives lost annually through overdose.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Niamh O'Connor Picture
  • Free universal access to period products in N Ireland #MenstuationMatters
    In every public toilet, we can avail of free toilet roll, hand soap and hand towels - what makes period products any different? We firmly believe that any toilet that requires toilet roll, requires period products in exactly the same way. For too long our menstrual needs have been sidelined, and for too long we have been conditioned to use toilet roll as a temporary measure when we take our periods unexpectedly outside the home. In fact, 98% of those we surveyed have had to use toilet paper and expressed feelings of discomfort, worry and anxiety as a result of this risky alternative. Period poverty is prevalent throughout N Ireland. We have seen an exponential increase throughout the pandemic and lockdown, receiving three times the demand for our period packs. The provision of free period products in all toilets will help alleviate the growing issue of period poverty and will also help meet the needs of all those who menstruate when their periods are unpredictable. No more being caught out and no more period poverty. Everyone deserves to have a dignified period. We are calling on the NI Executive to lock the provision of free period products into legislation so that every toilet, in every public and privately owned building, has free pads and tampons for everyone. Just. Like. Toilet. Roll. Let's follow in Scotland's lead! Let's make N Ireland completely period positive! #MenstruationMatters
    956 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Homeless Period Belfast
  • Make lifesaving changes to the Irish Mental Health System
    Please sign this petition if you believe the lifesaving changes, that the HSE themselves have summarized (listed above) after an inquest into their care of Maxine Maguire prior to her death, should be made in the Irish Mental Health System. It's difficult to accept and hard to believe they aren't already a standard in our mental health system. We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to demand better. Adequate mental healthcare is becoming even more essential now as we struggle through a global pandemic. As Patrick Freyne from the Irish Times put it - "IRELAND’S MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM IS NOT PREPARED FOR A CRISIS – BECAUSE IT WAS IN ONE BEFORE WE EVER HEARD OF CORONAVIRUS". This needs to change. We all suffer at one point or another with poor mental health and most of us are lucky to not have to rely on the Irish Mental Health services for the help we need to get better, however a large percentage of people in Ireland suffering from longer-term mental health crises and illnesses such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and depression, among more, DO require better care and accountability from the HSE to manage their illness and in a lot of cases, survive. Don't you want to fully trust that the health system you rely on can take care of you or your loved ones in a mental health crisis? Or provide you with care if you are diagnosed with a mental illness? We trust them to do their very best to keep us alive when we have a physical health emergency, so why can't we trust them to handle us with the same care when it comes to ours and our loved one's mental health? Maxine would still be alive today if it weren't for the proven negligence that the HSE has shown. A HSE inquest into her death found that in the lead-up to Maxine's death, over a 10 week period, she experienced... 1. A delayed referral to mental health services 2. The HSE's lack of awareness of the severity of Maxine's psychotic symptoms and her relationship to suicide risk (After reaching out for urgent help regarding her state of mind, Maxine was turned away from her local mental health service without help, and sent to A&E) 3. A prolonged period in Accident & Emergency. Maxine had to wait 13 hours in an extremely vulnerable state at A&E until there was a psychiatrist available to see her. She was subsequently sent home (the hospital could not locate her 'file') and took an overdose 2 days later. 4. The HSE's apparent lack of awareness of Maxine's prior health history starting from 2012. 5. Lack of communication. Multi-hospital care scenarios were not possible as Maxine's medical files were not on a computer system accessible to all relevant medical professionals. 6. The early and negligible discharge from hospital after an organ transplant due to suicide attempt, and lack of follow-up arrangements regarding her mental state. As per the coroner's recommendations, a psychiatric consultant should have a face-to-face review with a patient before the decision to discharge is made. This was not done in Maxine's case. Every negligible action by the HSE led to another, which led to further harm and eventual loss of our dear Maxine's life. None of us want to see a daughter, son, sister, brother, parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend or ourselves get faced with any of these less-than-adequate responses when we reach out for help. Please sign this petition so that we can get the HSE's own recommended changes, implemented and save lives. https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/heartbroken-kildare-mam-kathy-maguire-12460058 https://www.kildarenow.com/news/home/484963/mum-hopes-death-of-daughter-will-help-save-lives-of-others.html https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/health-news/distraught-mum-says-delayed-mental-20963679 https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/heartbroken-mum-kathy-maguire-who-16997034 https://www.thesun.ie/news/4039056/maxine-maguire-family-mental-health-changes/
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Maguire
  • Set up a Special Committee to legislate for Voluntary Assisted Dying for Ireland.
    Terminally ill and people with incurable progressive conditions in Ireland who want a Medically Assisted Death have no option but to face intolerable, prolonged suffering. Others curtail their lives earlier than they would like so they are able to travel to Switzerland for an assisted death. Anyone who helps someone risks a prison sentence of up to 14 years. Vicky Phelan and many like Vicky want to be able to die here in Ireland, at a time of their choosing surrounded by loved ones. They alone must be allowed to choose when they have had enough. Knowing legislation with a framework of robust safeguards is in place will mean an Assisted Death is safely and legally available. Legislation for this compassionate end of life option gives immeasurable peace of mind to dying people who want this and improves the quality of what life remains to them. All we ask is that everyone respects personal autonomy and the specific wishes of a dying person, someone who wants this option and supports this campaign. #TogetherforChoice Follow us on: https://twitter.com/EndOfLifeIE https://www.facebook.com/EndOfLifeIreland https://www.endoflifeireland.ie/
    609 of 800 Signatures
    Created by End of Life Ireland Picture
  • Clean up the Broadmeadow Estuary, Co Dublin - and keep it clean.
    For some years now, Fingal Council has shown very little interest in keeping a clean environment around the Broadmeadow Estuary catchment area. Volunteers in "Swords Pickers" were able to remove truck loads of dumped rubbish from Ward River Valley Park and Broadmeadow Estuary in the first half of 2021 alone. If something is not done to fundamentally correct this, plastic & other waste will continue to travel from the parkland in Swords, through the Estuary and out into the Irish Sea. Development of either the full size all-weather playing pitch and/or the Broadmeadow Greenway in 2021 will obviously add to the problem by multiplying volumes of human traffic.
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Drinane
  • Ban the use of toxic weed killer Glyphosate
    Glyphosate the main ingredient in Roundup is poisonous to humans, wildlife and the environment. Studies recently found that this toxic weedkiller is in most people's bodies [1]. It is being sprayed on roadsides, paths, in housing estates close to where people live. Ireland has the second highest levels of glyphosate in surface water in the EU whilst other countries are banning it. In 2015 the World Health Organisation concluded that the pesticide was 'probably carcinogenic to humans' and again, [2] Despite this many local councils still use it and it is still being sold on shop shelves as Round Up. The EU re-approved the use of glyphosate in 2017 however, in the last few years it has been banned by countries including France, Germany, Sri Lanka, El Salvador, the Netherlands, Argentina, Columbia, Peru and Mexico. The EU licence renewal was due to happen this July 2022 but it's been pushed down the road again until July 2023. Big lobby’s already swooping in to convince politicians to vote to continue its use, ignoring the devastating effect it has on our biodiversity, water and our health.[3] Sign the petition to join the campaign so we can ban Glyphosate once and for all. Notes: [1] https://www.irishtimes.com/health/2022/07/09/disturbing-weedkiller-ingredient-tied-to-cancer-found-in-80-of-us-urine-samples/ [2] https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/widely-used-herbicide-linked-to-cancer/ [3] Page 83 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.2903/j.efsa.2015.4302/epdf
    6,156 of 7,000 Signatures
  • Social Media Should Stop Targeting Legitimate CBD Companies
    It is well documented that CBD is a natural compound derived from the cannabis plant. CBD product does not get you high, and no significant adverse effects have been reported. CBD is transforming the lives of people all around the world. It does not make one high, but rather one that aids individuals in dealing with pain & other difficulties. These are far safer alternative to pain medication! CBD oil consumers are aware of the distinction between CBD produced from marijuana and CBD generated from INDUSTRIAL HEMP. Many patients have switched from prescription medicines (such as epilepsy, anxiety, and depression treatments) to CBD, discovering that it provides many of the same advantages as medical marijuana, that too without the psychotropic side effects. Despite this, many social media including Facebook and government target CBD companies in the United States and the United Kingdom for no apparent reason. Social media platforms unpublish pages for "promoting sale of prescription products." The vast majority of CBD products are not regarded pharmaceutical medicines, with the exception of a few FDA-approved CBD-containing treatments. Despite numerous requests, most of the pages are banned. While the same social media website profits from pharmaceutical industry advertisements, but the natural product and far less dangerous alternates are hidden from public. Let’s fight to keep hemp derived CBD products lawful to buy, sell & possess. 1000's of small business that sell CBD products derived from hemp rely on this. Sign the petition to let social media websites know that you have noticed that you do not like the pharmaceutical lobby to rule the social media website, and you are concerned about the small enterprises who are getting affected by such actions. When you sign this petition, you will be helping to keep CBD products derived from Hemp, you will be supporting local business and you will be supporting the freedom of choice.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Miller Clift
  • Support & Protect Residents in Nursing Homes & Care Settings.
    All of us will know someone, or may even become someone, who requires residential care at some stage. As RTE Investigates and our ongoing campaign shows, current policies and services fail to support residents' rights and fails to adequately protect them when harm occurs. Nothing will change until the law changes. It is clear fifteen years after Leas Cross & seven years after Aras Attracta, that political action will only be forthcoming with sustained public demands for legislative reform. Residents and family members cannot do this alone, please support, sign and share this petition.
    2,125 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Care Champions and the Irish Association of Social Workers
  • Stop The Shop
    Residents in the Callenders Mill estate and surrounding estates do not want a shop built on the green area in front of their houses. This green is filled with children playing every day. Residents want to keep this green space as there is already a lack of green spaces for children in Celbridge. Callenders Mill is clearly a residential area. The proposed shop will be open from 7am to 10pm, which will cause serious disturbance and noise pollution for residents. There is already insufficient parking for residents in the estate. There are already a significant number of other shop in the vicinity. There are also vacant shop units within walking distance of the proposed site. We do not need or want a shop in Callenders Mill, Celbridge!
    249 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joanne McGarry
  • Allow heterologous (mixed) Covid-19 vaccination in Ireland
    It is understood the first dose of Astra Zeneca is just 30% effective against the Delta variant. With the rising incidence of the highly transmissible Delta variant in Ireland, this means that the elderly and most vulnerable that have only had one dose of Astra Zeneca are now LESS protected than the rest of the population. Studies have found that immunization with AstraZeneca and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines safe and well-tolerated. Canada, Finland, France, China, Spain, Sweden, Bahrain and the UAE among others are already using a mixed Covid-19 vaccine strategy. Mixing vaccines is not a new idea (it has been used successfully with HIV and Ebola). Research shows that mixing vaccines can elicit a stronger/longer-lasting response than a single vaccine regimen. Having a flexible immunisation program would also allow Ireland to be nimble in the face of possible global supply constraints.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Barton
  • UN General Assembly Resolution on Addressing the Challenges of Persons Living with a Rare Disease
    The 300 million PLWRD around the world and their families face common challenges in all aspects of their daily lives. As a population with increasing vulnerabilities, they are disproportionally affected by stigma, discrimination and social marginalization, within their social environment and in society at large. The paucity of knowledge and expertise on rare diseases and the lack of awareness of the challenges faced by PLWRD mean that they are psychologically, socially, culturally and economically vulnerable. b) There are a number of synergies between the rare disease community’s needs and goals, and those of the UN 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals1 ,
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Doyle
    South William street has received an unfair treatment after being only partially pedestrianised although it received 95% public and local businesses support for full pedestrianisation during the trail last summer and 97% during the consultation in November. This decision to support partial pedestrianisation was made after Brown Thomas car park refused to compromise and redirect its traffic onto Clarendon Street, although this worked perfectly fine during the pedestrianisation trail last summer. Partial pedestrianisation doesn’t make any sense! If you have you been on South William street on a busy Saturday or Sunday afternoon, you know that it looks and feels incredible, the energy is fantastic. However the footpaths are just too narrow, the street gets congested, traffic is not moving, air pollution is trapped in between beautiful tall Georgian buildings. The survival of hundreds of small local businesses and the health and safety of our public is now at stake. It's time to make the changes! We need to act like a modern European city that is evolving and needs space to breathe. Streets are for people! Innovative change is needed for the city centre. Please sign this petition to show your support for full pedestrianisation of South William street.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Hertelendi