To: Politicians and local councils

Cruelty to our fellow animals

Animal cruelty is nothing new but the latest incidents are truly shocking and there seems to be no deterrent no punishment no help out there for out animal friends 
You can starve and beat almost to death a dog then bury her alive and stamp on her head as she dies and you get a few months in jail what’s to stop him doing this again? 
You can video yourself torturing a dog and then killing it and you get immediate bail 
You can organise dog fights where dogs are torn apart sometimes cats and have dead and dying dogs littering your garden and where is the punishment  even when the evidence is all around you ? 
Foxes badgers hares birds all manner of animals in our province are continually hunted and tortured for FUN
And where is the response from the powers that be ? 
If you report an incident you are lucky if a dog warden comes to investigate then nothing happens I’ve lost count of the number of animal cruelty incidents I’ve reported and nothing appears to happen 
In the latest incident the warden came out took photos and left the dogs in the state they were in snd still are in weeks later 
I demand that we stand up for animals that the authorities take a much more professional and accountable approach to the investigation of cruelty to animals animals  
That the animal welfare legislation be made fit for purpose 
That the dog wardens become accountable for their actions and take a more proactive approach to the investigation and prosecution of perpetrators 
Finally where a person is found guilty of cruel acts toward animals they should get meaningful sentences not a few months here snd there and all of them should be banned from keeping animals for life 

Why is this important?

This issue is important because it reflects badly on society 
If people torture animals it is almost inevitable they will do the same to humans many studies have shown this to be the case 

Northern Ireland, UK

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