500 signatures reached
To: Coillte, ESB and the Leitrim County Council
Save Dough Mountain
We are a group of concerned citizens who want to save Dough mountain, Leitrim from unsustainable development and protect it for its flora, fauna and humans.
Why is this important?
Climate change is happening and alternative sources of energy are becoming a necessity. Every nation has a responsibility to fix what’s happening and work towards a better, cleaner future.
This won’t be easy and will take multiple solutions and advancements in technology. But every solution needs to be considerate of the environment, wildlife and community its being implemented within. We want to see the the right solutions used with consideration. What is being proposed for Dough mountain doesn’t do any of these things.
What it would bring is:
- 18 of the largest turbines in Europe. At 185 meters, they will dwarf Dublin spire!
- High potential of landslides, as we have seen in other similar locations and why this location was refused permission in 2010
- Large scale draining of bogland that will result in ecological devastation of the areas and destruction of habitat. Which will, in turn, impact surrounding areas.
- High risk of pollution. Which will also impact surrounding areas, though all the rivers and streams.
- The endangerment of protected wildlife. Including: Hen Harriers, Buzzards, Pine Martens, Golden Eagles, Bats, Bees and Hares.
- Destroy the lives of the locals, through noise pollution, shadow flicker, a reduction in the value of their homes.
- Take away tourism and vital job opportunities.
For all these reasons and more we need you to add your voice to this campaign.
1. Sign this petition. Just add your name and email address at the right side of this screen.
2. After this, we invite you to email your local councillor and TD to voice your concerns about what is being proposed. Please see list of contact details below. If anyone is missing, just let us know and we will add them. These emails will be best in your own words. But if you wish, you can copy the example email supplied below.
Thank you for supporting your community.
List of councillors and TD’s
Marc MacSharry - [email protected]
Martin Kenny - [email protected]
Marian Harkin - [email protected]
Frankie Feighan - [email protected]
Find contact details for your local councillor here https://www.leitrimcoco.ie/eng/Your-Council/Councillors/County-Councillors.html
Example email
Dear [add their name here]
I’m writing to you today to object to the proposed construction of a windfarm on Dough mountain. Yes we need to reverse climate change and cut our carbon emissions. And there are a lot of existing solutions and solutions in development for this global problem. But the continued construction of onshore wind farms, on unsuitable ground, in close proximity to homes and businesses is not one of them. They are devastating to a locality's health and wellbeing. They are devastating to wildlife and biodiversity of an area. They have a detrimental effect on tourism, especially in Leitrim, which is at saturation point with wind farms already.
Kind Regards,
[Add your name here]
This won’t be easy and will take multiple solutions and advancements in technology. But every solution needs to be considerate of the environment, wildlife and community its being implemented within. We want to see the the right solutions used with consideration. What is being proposed for Dough mountain doesn’t do any of these things.
What it would bring is:
- 18 of the largest turbines in Europe. At 185 meters, they will dwarf Dublin spire!
- High potential of landslides, as we have seen in other similar locations and why this location was refused permission in 2010
- Large scale draining of bogland that will result in ecological devastation of the areas and destruction of habitat. Which will, in turn, impact surrounding areas.
- High risk of pollution. Which will also impact surrounding areas, though all the rivers and streams.
- The endangerment of protected wildlife. Including: Hen Harriers, Buzzards, Pine Martens, Golden Eagles, Bats, Bees and Hares.
- Destroy the lives of the locals, through noise pollution, shadow flicker, a reduction in the value of their homes.
- Take away tourism and vital job opportunities.
For all these reasons and more we need you to add your voice to this campaign.
1. Sign this petition. Just add your name and email address at the right side of this screen.
2. After this, we invite you to email your local councillor and TD to voice your concerns about what is being proposed. Please see list of contact details below. If anyone is missing, just let us know and we will add them. These emails will be best in your own words. But if you wish, you can copy the example email supplied below.
Thank you for supporting your community.
List of councillors and TD’s
Marc MacSharry - [email protected]
Martin Kenny - [email protected]
Marian Harkin - [email protected]
Frankie Feighan - [email protected]
Find contact details for your local councillor here https://www.leitrimcoco.ie/eng/Your-Council/Councillors/County-Councillors.html
Example email
Dear [add their name here]
I’m writing to you today to object to the proposed construction of a windfarm on Dough mountain. Yes we need to reverse climate change and cut our carbon emissions. And there are a lot of existing solutions and solutions in development for this global problem. But the continued construction of onshore wind farms, on unsuitable ground, in close proximity to homes and businesses is not one of them. They are devastating to a locality's health and wellbeing. They are devastating to wildlife and biodiversity of an area. They have a detrimental effect on tourism, especially in Leitrim, which is at saturation point with wind farms already.
Kind Regards,
[Add your name here]