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To: Hilary Benn, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

UK Government: Fund Casement Park Now

Provide the rest of the funding for the rebuild of Casement Park.

Why is this important?

First Minister Michelle O’Neill has promised that the redevelopment of Casement Park “will be built on my watch”. But time is running out to get it built in time for Euro 2028.

Work needs to start as soon as possible in order to meet the deadlines set by UEFA, the European governing body for football. The Irish government, GAA and NI Executive have recommitted their funding for the rebuild - but the UK government has failed to do so. 

Imagine in four years time, coverage of Euro 2028 beamed into homes across the world from all over these islands - but the North misses out. We, the undersigned, call on the incoming UK government to commit to funding Casement Park as soon as possible before its too late. 

Belfast BT11 9BD, UK

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